Nat Gould

His life and books

Will of John Gould 1727

Will of John Gould 1666-1727

"In the name of God Amen I John Gould of Sheen in the said Parrish and County of Stafford Yeoman being weak in body but of sound and perfect Mind and memory praise be therefore given to Almighty God for the same do make and ordain this my present last Will and Testament in manner and form following (that is to say) First and principally I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my Maker hoping through the Death and Passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ to receive full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and to inherit everlasting life And my body I commit to the earth to be decently buried in the Church Yard of Sheen aforesaid at the discretion of my Executrix here after nominated and appointed and as touching the disposition of all such temporal Estates as it hath pleased Almighty God to bestow upon me I give and bequeath thereof as sheweth

Imp[rim]is I will that all my Debts and Funeral charges shall be paid and discharged.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Eldest son Thomas Gould all my real Estate in Lands whatsoever except what of right in Law belongs to her my wife Lydia Gould either of or paying all such Legacies as shall be hereafter nominated and charged upon the same.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Gould the sum of Fiveteen pounds to be imployed to her use and behoof at the discretion of the Trustees hereafter nominated and appointed at one Year end after my death and Forty pounds to be paid her when she shall arrive at and accomplish the age of one and twenty years out of the aforesaid Lands

Item. I give and bequeath unto my son John Gould the sum of Fiveteen pounds to be imployed to his use and behoofe at the discretion of the Trustees hereafter nominated and appointed at the expiration and end of one Year after my death and Forty pounds to be paid him when he shall arrive at and accomplish the age of one and twenty years out of the aforesaid Lands

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Anne Gould the sum of Fiveteen pounds to be imployed to her use and behoofe at the discretion of the Trustees hereafter nominated and appointed at the expiration and end of one Year after my Death and Forty pounds to be paid her when she shall arrive at and accomplish the age of one and Twenty Years out of the aforesaid Lands

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Lydia Gould the sum of Fiveteen pounds to be imployed to her use and behoofe at the discretion of the Trustees hereafter nominated and appointed at the expiration and end of one Year after my Death and Forty pounds to be paid her when she shall arrive at and accomplish the age of one and Twenty Years out of the aforesaid Lands

Item. I give and bequeath unto my son George Gould the sum of Fiveteen pounds to be imployed to his use and behoofe at the discretion of the Trustees hereafter nominated and appointed at the expiration and end of one Year after my Death and Forty pounds to be paid him when he shall arrive at and accomplish the aforesaid age of one and Twenty Years then their Legacies or Legacy shall be equally divided amongst the survivors and I doe hereby nominate and appoint my loving Brother Thomas Gould and my Brother in Law James Meakin Trustees thereof to imploy all the aforesaid Legacies bequeathed to them to the use and behoofe of my aforesaid children the aforesaid Legacies to be imployed by them being ready or secured upon Bond or Bills.

I doe give and bequeath unto my Loving Wife Lydia Gould constituting and appointing her full and sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament

And I doe hereby revoke or disanull and make void all former Wills and Testaments by me heretofore made In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the Fourteenth Day of April in the Thirteenth Year of the Reign [of] our Sovereign Lord King George Magna Britannia & Franc: et Hibernia Fidei Defesor: [and] Anno Domi: 1727.

John Gould [seal]

Sealed Delivered and published in the presence of us –
Isaac Wibberly
Richard Birch his mark
F. Smith [?]"

[Probate granted on 12 October 1727 at Cheadle in Staffordshire.]
[An Inventory of the goods of John Gould had been made on 25 April 1727.]