Nat Gould

His life and books

Inventory of John Gould 1727

Inventory of John Gould 1666-1727

"A true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the goods Cattles & Chattles of John Gould late of Sheen in the County of Stafford Yeamon Deceased prised & valued by us whose names are hereunto Subscribed the twenty fift day of Aprill Anno: Domini 1727

Imp[rimis]: His purse and Apparrell £3-0s-0d
It[em] Two mares with saddle and bridle £7-0s-0d
It[em] Five Cowes & two heifers & three sucking calves £23-0s-0d
It[em] Four twinters (1) £8-0s-0d
It[em] Three yeare old Calves & a lame filly £3-0s-0d
It[em] One Cart one plow with its plowirons, one harrow two packsadles with girthes & wanties (2) one pair of horse pearces [?] with the rest of the husbandry ware £4-0s-0d
It[em] Hay and Corne £1-0s-0d
It[em] Puter [pewter] and brass £1-5s-6d
It[em] One iron pot, one iron Cettler [kettle?] one grate one pair of tongues rackes & hookes with the rest of the iron ware £1-10s-6d
It[em] Two tables with buffets & formes to them belonging, one coach chair three other chaires one Dresser £1-6s-8d
It[em] Three beds with bedding linnen & woollen thereunto belonging £2-0s-0d
It[em] Table linnen 2s-6d
It[em] One swine turnell (3) one cheese tub one Churne with the rest of the woodden ware 15s-0d
It[em] Cheese meale butter beef & cake [?] £1-1s-0d
It[em] Moneys oweing upon security £75-0s-0d
It[em] Moneys oweing without security £10-0s-0d
It[em] Goods unseen & not before valued 1s-6d

the summe £142-2s-8d

Wm. Sheldon )
Hugh Sleigh ) prisers (4)"


1. "Twinters" are farm animals that have lived through two winters.
2. "Wanties" are leather straps or short wagon ropes.
3. The term "swine turnell" occurs quite often in inventories of this period. It evidently signifies some kind of farming artefact, but its nature is unknown.
4. "Prisers" are appraisers or valuers.

[The Will of John Gould had been signed on 14 April 1727.]