Nat Gould

His life and books

The Wizard of the Turf

First published by John Long in 1915.

Listed among "John Long's New and Forthcoming Books" in 1914, the publisher announced:

"This novel follows A Fortune at Stake and A Gamble for Love, the first two novels by Nat Gould to be issued at the outset at 6s. The innovation was an immediate success. The new tale, "The Wizard of the Turf", should indoubtedly win for itself many admirers. The hero and heroine have strong dominating personalities, and the love interest is well sustained. The element of sport of course prevails, and the book may fairly be said to be as thrilling as any Mr. Nat Gould has written." (1)

Reprinted in 1917.

For a press review of this book see the Biography page.

(1) From the advertisement pages (page 2) at the back of the book published by Long entitled "Bush Songs & Oversea Voices" by A. Safroni-Middleton in 1914.