Nat Gould

His life and books

Inventory of Margaret Goodwin 1726

A true and Perfect Inventory of all the personal Estate of Margarett Goodwin late of Pilsbury grange in the Parish of Hartington and County of Derby Widow deceased taken and Prised the 20th day of October Annoq Domini 1726 –

£ s d
Imprimis Iter Purse and Apparrel 05 - 00 - 00
Item Househould Goods
at the Hordlow - 04 - 00 - 00
Item Debts oweing to her
at her decease - 93 - 00 - 00
Item All things forgotten
we value at - 00 - 05 - 00

The totalls 102 – 05 - 00

Isaac Sleigh
Thomas Frogatt junior )
) prisors