His life and books
Will of Timothy Hollis 1709-1790
I Timothy Hollis of Saint Mary Ax London being of Good Health of body and of Calm Sedate Temper and Disposition of mind and duly considering the uncertainty of life and being desirous whenever my death may happen to be prepared and to have made a disposition of such Estate and Effects of which I now am or may at that time be possessed do make this my last Will and Testament revoking all former my Funeral I desire may be in the most private manner possible Either very late on at night or Early in a Morning with only two of my Servants to attend to see my Body decently buryed or Interred in the same vault in the Little or Trinity Minories Church next to that of my Dear Sister Mary Winnocks and that neither Rings nor Mourning be given on occasion of it And I hereby give devise and bequeath unto my Nephew John Hollis his Heirs and Assigns for ever all my Lands Manor Tenements and Hereditaments Siuated lying and being at Wysall And East or Great Leak in the County of Nottingham Att Orton on the Hill in the County of Leicester Att Long Itchington in the County of Warwick and at Wilsdon in the County of Middlesex all which Lands Manor and Hereditaments were some time since devised to me by my highly valued and esteemed friend Thomas Gregore of Lincolns Inn Esquire deceased And I hereby give and bequeath unto my Neice [sic] Hannah Anthony his Sister Three Thousand Pounds And unto Susannah Hollis their Mother Widow of my Brother Isaac Hollis deceased Five Hundred Pounds And I give and bequeath unto my Sister Hannah Edwards One Thousand Pounds And unto my Neice Hannah Edwards her Eldest Daughter two thousand Pounds And unto my Neice Mary Unwin her Second Daughter One Thousand Pounds And unto my Neice Sarah Barret her Youngest Daughter One Thousand Pounds And I Give and Bequeath to my Sister Ann Solly One thousand Pounds And unto my Nephew Isaac Solly her Eldest Son Ten Thousand Pounds And I further give and Devise and Bequeath unto my said Nephew Isaac Solly his Heirs and Assigns for ever all those two Freehold Houses Situated in Saint Mary Ax London in the front of my Present Dwelling House and which were devised únto me by my late Dear Sister Mary Winnock deceased And unto my Nephew Samuel Solly Second Son of my said Sister Ann Solly Four Thousand Pounds And unto my Nephew Edward Solly her Youngest Son Six thousand Pounds And I Give and Bequeath unto my Sister Elizabeth Ashhurst One thousand Pounds and unto my Great Neice Elizabeth Hoghton her Grand Daughter five Hundred Pounds And I Give devise and bequeath unto my much valued and worthy friend Thomas Brand now called Thomas Brand Hollis of the Hyde near Ingatestone Essex Esquire his Heirs and assigns for ever all my Lands Tenements and Hereditaments called Hemlock and Marsh at East and West Chelbury in the County of Dorset which I purchased of Ebenezer Mussell Esquire Executor of his Sister who was Widow and Executrix of Josiah Maber Deceased And I give and bequeath unto the Reverend Doctor Caleb Fleming Dissenting Minister at Pinners Hall London two Hundred Pounds And unto James Sparrow of Burton near Bristol Esquire two Hundred Pounds And unto Charles Osborne formerly of Phildelphia now of London One Hundred Pounds And unto Samuel Felton Esquire of King Street Covent Garden One Hundred and five Pounds And unto my Worthy Old friend Henry Tolcher Senr. Of Plymouth Devonshire Esquire One Hundred and five Pounds And I further Give and Devise and Bequeath unto said Worthy Old Friend Henry Tolcher Senr Esquire his Heirs and Assigns all my Sixteenth Share and Interest of in Pultney Mine near Stoneford Pinney Devon formerly purchased of him Feby. 1768 Except the two Shares given verbally to my Nephews Hollis Edwards and Edward Solly being I apprehend a thirty Second share to each which gift I hereby confirm to them their Heirs and assigns And I give and bequeath unto my worthy good friends John Bowles of Cornhill Richard Edensor of Congleton Cheshire Esquire William Hoar of Bath Somersetshire James Norman of Bromley Esqr Doctor Mathew Clerk of Tottenham [blank] Kelly of the Inner Temple Esquire John Straw of Leaden Hall Street Fifty Guineas each and I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Garbett Wife of Francis Garbett of Knill Herefordshire One thousand Pounds In trust to be laid out in Parliamentary Stock or Security to be wholly Independent of her Husband the said Francis Garbett or his Creditors without his or their having any thing to do or intermeddle with it the Interest or Income to be Paid to her or her order for her separate use and behoof And on her decease to her Child or Children share and share alike And if none then Subject to her last Will and Testament notwithstanding her Coverture And I give and bequeath unto Samuel Gregge of Pump Court No 7 in More Lane little Morefield near Grub Street Son of Ralph Gregge deceased Four Hundred Pounds to be Settled In Trust the Interest or Income to be Paid to him for life And on his decease the Principle to his Child or Children share and share alike and if none then to his Heirs And I Give and bequeath unto George Trout formerly my Head Servant One thousand Pounds And unto George Salmon of Harbury near Southam Warwickshire Five Hundred Pounds and unto Ann How my Housekeeper who Tenderly waited on my Dear Sister Mary Winnock deceased four hundred Pounds and unto George Bye of Holborn near Lincolns Inn Fields formerly my Footman Mary Bream my Housemaid and Sarah Bradell my Cook maid twenty Pounds each if living with me at the time of my Decease And if they should have have quitted my Service then a Years Wages to any Servant who may be living with me at the time of my Decease if they have behaved well at the discretion and approbation of my Executor And I hereby nominate my Nephew Isaac Solly to be my Successor in Thorners Trust if he should like to engage in it And I do hereby Give Devise and bequeath unto my Nephew Hollis Edwards his Heirs Executors Administrators or assigns all the Rest ands Residue of my Estate both Real and Personal of what kind so ever with sincere thanks for his kind and Affectionate Friendship and I hereby make constitute and appoint my said Nephew Hollis Edwards to be my Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seal this thirteenth Day of August One thousand Seven hundred and Seventy four Timothy Hollis [seal] Signed Sealed Published and Declared the within writing on the back thereof by the underwritten Timothy Hollis as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunder written Our names as Witnesses in the presence of the Testator and each other the words if living with me at the time of my decease being first Interlined And also in the bequest to John Hollis the words his heirs and assigns for ever Ol[iver] Cromwell Million Bank London, Rob[er]t Keene, Rob[er]t Henry Gibbon his Clerks.
Whereas since the making of my Will and Testament dated the thirteenth day of August One thousand Seven hundred and Seventy four Which I hereby confirm I have purchased the Freehold House And Ground wherein I lately dwelt Situated in Saint Mary Ax London behind the Houses I has [sic] given and Devised by my said Will to my Nephew Isaac Solly I hereby Give and Devise the said House and Ground unto my said Nephew Isaac Solly his Heirs and Assigns forever London this thirtyeth Day of June One thousand Seven hundred and Seventy five Timothy Hollis [seal] Signed Sealed Published and declared the above written Codicil by the underwritten Timothy Hollis as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have underwritten our names in the Presence of the Testator and each other John Harrison, Rob[er]t Keene, Will[ia]m Pearce, Clerks to Messrs. Harrison & Cromwell.
London June the Eighteenth One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty notwithstanding several of the Legacys contained in my Will and Testament of the thirteenth of August One thousand Seven hundred and Seventy four are lapsed and void yett I hereby confirm all the rest of my said Will Except the Legacy of Four Hundred Pounds to Samuel Gregge which I hereby Annull and make void But I request of my Executor to relieve this poor Man as he may see proper as I have formerly done And I hereby give and bequeath the Sum of Two thousand Pounds to be laid out in Parliamentary Security In Trust for the Child and Children of Francis Garbett of Knill in the County of Hereford Esquire by his late wife Elizabeth And I hereby give and bequeath to my Old friend Samuel Garbett of Birmingham One Hundred Pounds and unto the before mentioned Francis Garbett One Hundred Pounds And I hereby further give and bequeath all my Library Books Prints Pictures Fossills Shells Diamond and Stone Rings and Curiosityes unto my Nephew John Hollis and should he not choose to keep any of them himself I beg they may not be Sold But that He will give them to some Publick Dissenting Society where he thinks they may be Serviceable vizt Such as the Academye of Daventry Warrington Doctr. Williams Library or to any other he may think proper And I further hereby Give and bequeath Fifty Pounds a piece to each of the following persons vizt unto [blank] Heathcoate of Newcastle underline Staffordshire Esquire and to his Sister Elizabeth Bent of Newcastle aforesaid being the Nephew and Neice of my Distant Relation and Old Friend Richard Edensor of Congleton Cheshire Esquire deceased unto Thomas Gould Son of [blank] Gould of Bakewell deceased now of London also a Distant Relation John Sparrow of Wincobank Yorkshire Esquire my very Old Friend Joseph Roberts of Sheffield his Son in Law Phineas Bond Esquire Counsellor in the Temple late of Philadelphia in America Mrs Ann Growes now of Richmond Surry late of Newington and Bath my Old Acquaintance and my dear Sister Winnocks Old Friend Mrs [blank] Straw of Leadenhall Street or Clapham The Revd. Doct. William Robertson of Wolverhampton the Revd. Doct. Richard Price of Newington Green the Revd. Doctor Andrew Kippis of Westminster the Revd. Doctor Joseph Jefferies of Bishopsgate Street the Revd. Doctor Joseph Towers Assist. to the aforesaid Doctor Price the Revd. Mr Theophilus Lindsey of Essex Street And I further give and bequeath unto my Present Servants who may be living with me at the time of my decease if have behaved well to the Approbation and Discretion of my Executor over and above the Years Wages I have left in my aforesaid Will to every Servant who may be living with me at my Decease vizt. Mr Lumley Summers my Upper footman Fifty Pounds unto Lydia Anige? My Housekeeper Fifty Pounds Rebecka Gallaway my Housemaid thirty Pounds Mary Cushworth my Cook Henry Smith my Coachman and Thomas Wolfe my Footboy each Twenty Pounds Timothy Hollis.
I Timothy Hollis heretofore of Saint Mary Ax London but now of Great Ormond Street in the County of Middlesex Esquire Do make this further Codicill to my Will which Will bears date the thirteenth day of August One thousand seven Hundred and seventy four I give unto my Nephew John Hollis his Heirs and Assigns forever my two several Closes or Parcels of Land lying in Long Itchington in the County of Warwick which I have purchased since making my said Will and a former Codicil thereto of Michael Cottrill and Elizabeth his Wife and others I revoke and make void the bequest by the said Codicil unto my said Nephew John Hollis of all my Library Books Prints Pictures Fossils Shells Diamond And Stone Rings and curiosities and do give the same including my miniature Pictures to my Nephew Samuel Solly upon the same condition as I have given them by my said former Codicil to my said Nephew John Hollis I do also hereby revoke and make void the Legacy of four thousand Pounds which I have given to my said Nephew Samuel Solly by my Will and instead thereof do hereby give and Devise unto my said Nephew Samuel Solly his heirs and Assigns forever my Dwelling house with the Appurtenances in Great Ormond Street with the Ground whereon the same stands and the Garden and Appurtenances thereto belonging and the Ground in Ormond Yard or Mews adjacent to the same Street with the several buildings thereon with the Appurtenances as thereto belonging and all other the Estate which I purchased of Robert Mackreth Esquire since making my said Will and former Codicil and I do also give my said Nephew Samuel Solly all my Plate China Pictures Household Linen and other Household Furniture of every kind And I direct that all my Books of Account letters of business and friendship and all private Memorandums and other written Papers whatsoever shall go and belong to my Nephew Hollis Edwards whom I have in and by my said Will given the Residue of my Estate and Effects and whom I have thereby Appointed Sole Executor thereof And in all other respects I do hereby confirm my said Will and former Codicils In Witness whereof I have to this my further Codicil to my said Will set my hand and Seal this fourteenth day of January One thousand seven hundred and Eighty three Timothy Hollis [seal[ Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the above named Timothy Hollis as and for a further Codicil to his last Will and Testament in the Presence of us who in his Presence at his request and in the Presence of each other have Subscribed Our names as Witnesses thereto O' Cromwell Essex Street Thos. Whebell his Clerk John Draper Servant to Mr Hollis
London May the Sixteenth One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty five I do hereby confirm the above Codicil to my Will and I hereby further give and bequeath unto my Nephew John Hollis the Sum of two thousand Pounds over and above what I have given him by my Will and unto my Nephew Samuel Solly the Sum of One thousand Pounds over and above what I have given him by a former Codicil to my Will And unto my Neice Elizabeth Majendie late Hoghton the Sum of five Hundred Pounds over and above what I have given her by my Will and unto my friends the Revd Dr. John Disney William Russell Esquire and Joseph Planta Esquire each the Sum of Fifty Pounds And unto my Tenants George Glover of Wysall Nottinghamshire Elizabeth Angrave Widow of Thomas Angrave deceased of East or Great Leak Nottinghamshire Robert Pain and Peter Eaton both of Long Itchington Warwickshire each a years Rent of the Farms they hold of me Timothy Hollis
I the before named Timothy Hollis do make this further Codicil to my Will Whereas by my said Will I have given to my late Neice Ms. Hannah Anthony who is since deceased three thousand Pounds Now instead thereof I do hereby direct that three thousand Pounds be invested in Government Securities by my Executor in the names of two Persons to be jointly named and appointed by my Executor and Mr John Anthony the late Husband of my said Neice upon trust that such two Persons do Pay the Interest or dividends of the Securities in which the said Sum of three thousand Pounds shall be so invested to be equally divided amongst all the present Children of the said Mr. and Mrs. Anthony I give the Leasehold Peice [sic] of Ground at the bottom of my Garden held of the Foundling Hospital to my Nephew Samuel Solly to whom I have by my Codicil dated the fourteenth day of January One thousand seven Hundred and Eighty three given my Dwelling house and Premises in and about Ormond Street which I purchased of Mr. Mackreth I give to my Footman James Grace if he shall be living with me at the time of my Decease Forty Pounds and declare this to be a further Codicil to my Will Witness my hand this thirteenth day of February One thousand seven Hundred and Eighty Six Timothy Hollis
I the above named Timothy Hollis do make this further Codicil to my Will I give to my Cook Sarah Hall and my Coachman William Paget now twenty Pounds to my footman John Wallace ten Pounds and to my Gardener William Wood and [sic] ten Pounds Provided they be in my Service at the time of my decease and direct the above Legacies and the Legacies which I have given by my Will or any of the Codicils to any other of my Servants to be Paid to them over and besides the said Wages which I have given to any of them by said Will or Codicils I leave it to the discretion of my Executor to give Mourning Rings to whom he shall think proper notwithstandinhg any direction contained in my Will to the contrary Witness my hand this fourth day of April One thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Six Timothy Hollis
I the within named Timothy Hollis do make this further Codicil to my Will I give to my Nephew John Hollis Two thousand Pounds I give to my Nephew Isaac Solly two thousand Pounds I give to my Nephew Samuel Solly One thousand Pounds and to my Worthy friend Thomas Brand Hollis Esquire of the Hyde Essex One thousand Pounds I give to my Servant James Grace if in my Service at the time of my Decease Sixty Pounds which several Legacies I give them over and besides what I have given them respectively by my Will and former Codicils I give to James Barry Esquire who Painted the Great Room for the Society of Arts One Hundred Pounds And whereas my Tenant George Glover is quitting my Farm at Wysall in Nottinghamshire I hereby revoke and make void the bequest to him in a former Codicil of One Years Rent of such Farm which I had thereby given him I direct my Executor to apply the Sum of thirty Pounds per Annum in the maintenance and Support of Ann Clare and Hollis Clare daughters of the late James Clare of Bun Street Wapping during their lives and upon either of their Deaths then in the Maintenance and support of the Survivor of them during her life in such manner as my Executor shall think the most appropriate to them the said Annuity to commence from the day of my Decease And I declare this to be a further Codicil to my Will Witness my hand this fourteenth day of October One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty six Timothy Hollis
I the above named Timothy Hollis do make this further Codicil to my Will I give to my Housekeeper Lydia Onicost the further Sum of Fifty Pounds and unto my Servant Robert Galloway the further Sum of Fifty Pounds and to Robert Keene a Clerk in the Million Bank Office Nagshead Court Gracechurch Street One Hundred Pounds And I declare this to be a further Codicil to my Will Witness my hand this twenty first day of November One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty Six Timothy Hollis
I Timothy Hollis of Great Ormond Street in the County of Middlesex heretofore of Saint Mary Axe London Do make this further Codicil to my last Will and Testament which bears date the thirteenth Day of August One thousand Seven hundred and Seventy four I give to my Nephew Isaac Solly three thousand Pounds over and above what I have given to him by my said Will or any former Codiicil or Codicils I give five Hundred Pounds to Mrs. [blank] Bourgois Wife of Mr. [blank] Bourgois and Daughter of the late Mr George Trout deceased formerly my Clerk I direct that One thousand Pounds be invested by my Executor in the names of two persons to be jointly named and appointed by my Executor and the said Mr. Bourgois in such Government Securitiy as my Executor shall think proper upon trust that such two persons do apply One Half of the interest thereof in the maintenance and support of [blank] Trout of Town Malling in the County of Kent Son of the said Mr George Trout during his life And upon his decease I direct the said Interest to be applied in the Maintenance and Education of [blank] Bougois the Daughter of the said Mr. Bourgois during her Minority or until her Marriage and upon her attainment of her Age of twenty One Years or marriage which shall first happen after the decease of the said [blank] Trout upon trust to transfer One half of the fund in which the said One thousand Pounds shall be Invested unto the said [blank] Bougois the Daughter And Upon trust to apply the other half of the Interest of the said fund in which the said One thousand Pounds shall be invested from the fruit of such investment in the Maintenance and Education of the said [blank] Bougois the Daughter until her Attainment of the said Age or Marriage which shall first happen Upon Trust to transfer the said other half of the fund in which the said One thousand Pounds shall be invested unto the said Bougois the Daughter But in case the said [blank] Bougois the Daughter shall die under the said Age unmarried then I give the whole of the said One thousand Pounds or the Fund in which the same shall be vested unto the sd. Mrs. [blank] Bougois the Mother And whereas I have by a Codicil to my said Will dated the Eighteenth Day of June one thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty given two thousand Pounds to be laid out in Parliamentary Security In Trust for the Child or Children of Francis Garbett of Knill in the County of Hereford Esquire by his Wife Elizabeth Now I do hereby direct my Executor to pay the said two thousand Pounds to two Persons to be jointly named and appointed by my Executor and the said Mr. Garbett or in case the said Mr. Garbett shall not be then living then by my Executor only to be by such two Persons laid out and invested in their names In trust for the said Children so that my Executor may be wholly exonerated and discharged from the said trust And in case of the decease of my Nephew Isaac Solly in my life time I do hereby give devise and bequeath all such Part of my real and Personal Estate and Effects whatsoever as I have by my Will and this Codicil and former Codicils given and bequeathed to my said Nephew Isaac Solly and all the Children of the said Isaac Solly as shall be living at the time of my Decease equally to be divided amongst them share and share alike and to their Heirs Executors and Administrators as Tenants in common I give to my Housekeeper Lydia Ainge One Hundred Pounds and to my Servant James Grace One Hundred Pounds over and besides the Legacies I have given to them by any former Codicil or Codicils And I Declare the said Legacies and all other Legacies given to them and all other my Servants by my former Codicil or Codicils is upon express condition that they are in my Service at the time of my Decease And in all other respects I do hereby confirm my said Will and my former Codicils In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Eighteenth Day of July One thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Eight Ty Hollis [seal] Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the above named Timothy Hollis the Testator as and for a further Codicil to his last Will and Testament in the Presence of us who in his presence at his request And in the Presence of each other have Subscribed Our names as Witnesses thereto O Cromwell Essex Street Strand John Wainewright Richd Bell Clerks to Mr. Cromwell
I Timothy Hollis of Great Ormond Street in the County of Middlesex Esquire do make this further Codicil to my Will I give to my Neice Mrs Mary Union the further Sum of One thousand Pounds And my Neice Mrs Sarah Barrett the like further Sum of One thousand Pounds Over and above the Legacies I have given to them by my Will I give to my present Cookmaid and my present Footboy twenty Pounds each if living with me at my decease besides the Years Wages given to each of my Servants by my Will and I declare this to be a further Codicil to my Will In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this twenty Eighth Day of August One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty nine Timothy Hollis Witness O’Cromwell
I the above named Timothy Hollis do give to Mr. John Anthony my late Niece Anthonys Husband five Hundred Pounds and to John Evans my Present Footboy twenty Pounds if living with me at the time of my Decease besides the years wages given to each of my Servants by my Will In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this fifteenth Day of February One thousand seven Hundred and ninety Timothy Hollis Witness O’Cromwell
23d. Decr. 1790
Appeareth Personally Oliver Cromwell of Essex Street in the Parish of Saint Clement Danes in the County of Middlesex Esquire and Robert Keene of the Million Bank in the Parish of Saint Clement East Cheap London Gentleman and severally made Oath as follows that they knew and were well acquainted with Timothy Hollis formerly of Saint Mary Axe London but late of the Parish of Saint George the Martyr in the County of Middlesex aforesaid Esquire deceased for many Years before and to the time of his Death which happen [sic] as these Deponents have been informed and believe in the course of this Instant Month of December and these Deponents further make Oath and depose that they are two of the Subscribing Witnesses to the last Will and Testament of the said Deceased the said Will with eleven Codicils thereto being now hereunto annexed and marked with the Letters A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. K. L. And M and these Deponents further make Oath that they also knew and were well acquainted with the said Deceaseds manner and character of handwriting and of Writing and Subscribing his name having often seen the said deceased write and also write and subscribe his name and having now with care and Attention viewed and perused the said annexed will and Eleven Codicils of the said deceased the said Will being marked as aforesaid with the Letter A and bearing date on the thirteenth Day of August in the Year One thousand seven Hundred and Seventy four and the first of the Codicils being marked with the Letter B and bearing date on the eighteenth Day of June in the Year One thousand seven Hundred and seventy five and to which Codicil the Deponent Robert Keene is is one of the Subscribing Witnesses and the Second of the said Codicils being marked with the Letter C and bearing date on the Eighteenth Day of June in the Year One thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty and thus Subscribed Timothy Hollis and the third of the said Codicils being marked with the Letter D and bearing Date on the fourteenth Day of January in the Year One thousand seven hundred and Eighty three and to which Codicil and to which Codicil the Deponent Oliver Cromwell is One of the Subscribing Witnesses and the fourth of the said Codicils being marked with the Letter E and bearing Date on the sixteenth day of May in the Year One thousand seven Hundred and Eightyfive and thus Subscribed Timothy Hollis and the fifth of the said Codicils being marked with the Letter F and bearing Date on the thirteenth Day of February in the Year One thousand seven hundred and Eighty Six and thus Subscribed Timothy Hollis and the Sixth of the said Codicils being marked with the Letter G and bearing Date on the fourth Day of April in the aforesaid Year One thousand seven hundred and Eighty Six and thus Subscribed Timothy Hollis and the seventh of the said Codicils being marked with the Letter H and bearing Date on the fourteenth Day of October in the aforesaidYear One thousand seven Hundred and Eighty Six and thus Subscribed Timothy Hollis and the Eighth of the said Codicils being marked with the Letter I and bearing Date on the twenty first Day of November in the aforesaid Year One thousand seven Hundred and Eighty Six and thus Subscribed Timothy Hollis and the ninth of the Said Codicils being marked with the Letter K and bearing Date on the Eighteenth day of July in the Year One thousand seven hundred and Eighty Eight and to which Codicil the Deponent Oliver Cromwell is one of the Subscribing Witnesses and the tenth of the Said Codicils being marked with the Letter L and bearing Date on the twenty Eighth day of August in the Year One thousand seven hundred and Eighty nine and thus Subscribed T.y Hollis and to which Codicil the Deponent Oliver Cromwell is one of the Subscribing Witnesses and the last and Eleventh of the Said Codicils being marked with the Letter M and bearing Date on the fifteenth day of the Month of February last Past and thus Subscribed T.y Hollis and to which Codicil the Deponent Oliver Cromwell is the only Subscribing Witnesses they these Deponents do verily and in their consciences belief the said recited Subscriptions to the said Codicils marked with the Letters C F G H I [K deleted] L and M bearing Date as hereinbefore set forth to be all of the Proper Handwriting and subscribing and to have been wholly written and subscribed by the said Timothy Hollis Esquire deceased Save that the Deponent Oliver Cromwell having been present when the Deceased Executed and Subscribed his name to the said Codicils marked with the aforesaid Letters L and M he can take upon himself to swear that the said recited subcriptions to the said two Codicils were written and subscribed by the said Deceased [signed O’ Cromwell, Robt. Keene] the Day aforesaid the said Oliver Cromwell and Robert Keene were duly sworn to the truth of the within written affidavit Before me [signed William Battie] Surrogate Presr? Nath[anie]l Gosthing Not[ar]y Pub[lic].
This Will was Proved at London with Eleven Codicils on the twenty fourth Day of December in the Year of Our Lord One thousand seven hundred and ninety before the Worshipful George Harris Doctor of Laws And Surrogate of the Right Homorable Sir William Wynne Knight Doctor of Laws ans Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oath of Hollis Edwards Esquire the Nephew of the deceased and Sole Executor named in the said Will to whom Administration was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said Deceased having been first sworn duly to Administer,
[Note at the left side of this Probate Certificate:]
Another Codicil Proved July 1791.
Timothy Hollis Esqr.
Minutes of My Will dated 13th Augst. 1774 Witnessed by [blank] his Clerks Oliver Cromwell Att[orne]y of the Million Bank London Robert Keene & Robert Henry Gibbon
[There follows a list of legacies, some amended and some deleted, and calculations amounting to £66,000.]
Codicill [sic] 30th. June 1775
Codicil dated June 18th. 1780 Witnesses by John Harrison Million B[an]k Robert Keene & W[illia]m Pearce his Clerks
[There follows another list of legacies, some deleted, and then the following:]
Codicil Jany 14th 1783 Witness by Oliver Cromwell Thos. Whebell & Jno. Draper Ser[van]t my Clerk Confirm former Will & Codicils – Give to John Hollis the Two Closes at L[ong] Itchington purch[ase]d of Edw[ar]d Revoke Legacy of Library Books &c Given to I.H. [Isaac Hollis] and give them to Samuel Solly & also my House in Ormond Str[ee]t & Furniture & Revoke the Legacy of £4000 to him
14th. April 1791
Appered Personally Hollis Edwards of the Kings Road in the Parish of Saint Andrew Holborn in the County of Middlesex Esquire and made Oath that he is the Nephew Sole Executor and Residuary Legatee named in the last Will and Testament with Eleven Codicils thereto annexed of Timothy Hollis formerly of Saint Mary Ax London but late of the Parish of Saint George the Martyr in the County of Middlesex aforesaid Esquire deceased who died on the fourteenth day of the Month of December last past and the Deponent further saith that shortly after the said deceaseds death a Probate of the said Will and Eleven Codicils thereto annexed of the said deceased marked with the Letters A to M inclusive where by the Authority of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury granted to him this Deponent as the sole Executor therein appointed and the Deponent further saith that the said deceased by his said Will bearing date the thirteenth day of August one thousand seven hundred and seventy four gave the following Legacy to Elizabeth Garbett Wife of Francis Garbett and after the death of her Children and in case she should die without Issue then the said Legacy to be subject to her Will to wit “And I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Garbett Wife of Francis Garbett of Knill Hereford Shire One thousand Pounds In Trust to be laid out in Parliamentary Stock or Security to be wholly independent of her Husband the said Francis Garbett or his Creditors without his or their having any thing to do or intermeddle with it the Interest or Issue to be Paid to her or her order for her seperate [sic] use and behoof and on her decease to her Children share and share alike and if none then Subject to her last Will and Testament notwithstanding her Coverture†And this Deponent further saith that the said Elizabeth Garbett died in the life time of the said deceased and that the said deceased in his own handwriting wrote over the said recited Legacy in a Paper Writing Purporting to be an Abstract or Minutes of his said Will the words “void dead†the same being hereunto annexed marked with the Letter N beginning thus “Minutes of my Will dated 13th August 1774†and in which said Paper Writting [sic] the said recited Legacy appeared to be struck out and obliterated And this deponent further said deceased after the death of the said Elizabeth Garbett by the second Codicil to his said Will Such second Codicil bearing date the eighteenth day of June 1780 Gave the following Legacy to the Children of the said Francis Garbett by the said Elizabeth Garbett to wit “and I hereby give and bequeath the Sum of Two thousand Pounds to be laid out in Parliamentary Security In Trust for the Child or Children of Francis Garbett of Kuill in the County of Hereford by his late Wife Elizabeth†And this deponent further maketh Oath and saith that since the said deceased’s death he found the aforesaid Abstract or Minutes of the said deceased’s Will inclosed with other Papers in an Envelope in his the deceased’s Ledger or Book of Accounts locked up in his Escrutoire [sic] standing in his Bed Chamber in which the said deceased kept his Papers of Moment and Concern the said Abstract or Minutes of his said Will being hereunto annexed as aforesaid marked with the Letter N and that the said Paper Writing is now in every respect (saving the marking thereof with the Letter N as aforesaid) in the same Plight and Condition as when this deponent so as aforesaid found the same and that this Deponent is advised and believes that the said Paper Writing ought to proved [sic] by this deponent as a further Codicil to the aforesaid last Will and Testament of the said deceased Lastly this deponent maketh Oath and saith that he hath been informed and believes that the said Francis Garbett had four Children by the said Elizabeth Harbett his Wife and no more who were respectively Minors and under the Age of twenty one Years to wit John Garbett of the Age of about twenty Years who now resides at the City of Hamburgh Ann Garbett Spinster af the Age of about seventeen Years Mary Garbett Spinster of the Age of about sixteen Years and Sophia Garbett Spinster of the Age of about fifteen Years and which said Ann Garbett Mary Garbett and Sophia Garbett reside at the City of Hereford [signed] Hollis Edwards The day aforesaid the said Hollis Edwards Esquire was duly swaorn to the truth of the within written affidavit Before me Thos. Besen [Bower?] Surrogate Prest [Nathaniel] Gostling Not[ary] Publ[ic].
Appeared Personally Oliver Cromwell of Essex Street in the county of Middlesex Esquire and Robert Keene of the Million Bank London Gentleman and severally made Oath as follows that they are two of the subscribing Witnesses to the last Will and Testament with eleven Codicils thereto annexed (the said Will and eleven Codicils being marked with the Letters from A to M) of Timothy Hollis formerly of Saint Mary Axe London but late of the Parish of Saint George the Martyr in the County of Middlesex aforesaid Esquire deceased who died as these deponents have been informed and believe in the Month of December last past And these deponents further make Oath that they knew and were well acquainted with the said deceased for ten years and upwards before and to the aforesaid time of his death And also knew and were well acquainted with the said deceased’s manner and character of handwriting and of writing and subscribing his Name having often seen him write and also write and subscribe his Name and having now with Care and Attention viewed and Perused the Paper Writting [sic] hereunto annexed marked with the Letter N and beginning thus “Minutes of My Will dated 13th. Augst. 1774 Witnessed by Oliver Cromwell Att[orne]y of the Million Bank London Robert Keene & Robert Hen[r]y Gibbon his Clerks†and ending thus “Give to John Hollis the Two Closes at L[ong] Itchiington purchased of Edwd. Revoke Legacy of Library Books &c. given to sd. I.H. and give them to Samuel Solly & also my House in Ormond Strt. Furniture & Revoke the Legacy of £4000 to him†and the whole body Series and Contents and more particularly the words “void dead†interlined over the words “To Elizth. Garbett in Trust Income†struck through with a Pen in the thirteenth line of the second Column of the first side of the said annexed Paper writing They these deponents do verily and in their consciences believe the said recited beginning and ending of the said Paper Writing and the said recited Interlineation therein and the whole body series and contents thereof to be all of the Proper Handwriting and to have been wholly written by the said Timothy Hollis Esquire deceased [signed] Oliver Cromwell Robert Keene On the 21st. July 1791 the said Oliver Cromwell was duly sworn to the truth of the within written Affidavit, Before me Jno Nicholl Surr[ogate] Prest. Nath[anie]l Gostling Not[ar]y Publ[ic].
On the 23rd. July 1791 the said Robert Keene was duly sworn to the truth of the within written Affidavit, Before me I.H. Arnold Surr[ogate] Prest. Nath[anie]l Gostling Not[ar]y Publ[ic].
This twelfth Codicil marked with the Letter N to the last Will and Testament with eleven Codicils of Timothy Hollis formerly of Saint Mary Axe London but late of the Parish of Saint George the Martyr in the County of Middlesex Esquire deceased was Proved at London the twenty eighth day of July in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety one before the Worshipful John Nicholl Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right Honourable Sir William Wynne Knight Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oath of Hollis Edwards Esquire the Nephew of the said deceased and sole Executor named in the said Will to whom Adminiatration of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits [repeated thus] of the said deceased was granted he having been first sworn duly to administer.