His life and books
Mary Gould was born Mary Saunders 1750-1829 and was married to William Gould 1748-1795.
Her Will was made on 16 September 1828 and reads as follows:
“I Mary Gould of Ardwick Place near Manchester in the County of Lancaster widow do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say First I direct and order that my body be interred in the vault in which the body of my dear daughter Harriet Gould is laid at Caverswall in Staffordshire by my Executors and my funeral to be conducted by them as follows First a Hearse with four Horses with my body next a Mourneing Coach with four Horses and my four Executors and a Mourneing Coach for the undertaker and any Friend that will go And I do order and direct my Executors to pay out of my property soon after my death all my just debts and funeral expenses and the probate of this my Will and whereas my late Husband Mr William Gould heretofore of Barton House upon Irwell in the said County of Lancaster Merchant deceased did by his last Will and Testament bearing date of on about the twenty third day of September one thousand seven hundred and ninety Give charge and make chargeable all and every his real and leasehold Estates therein mentioned with the sum of two thousand pounds to be paid applied and disposed of in such manner as I the said Mary Gould should by my last Will and Testament in writing or any writing purporting to be my Will to be by me signed sealed and delivered in the presence of two or more credible witnesses give bequeath direct limit and appoint the same Now therefore I the said Mary Gould in exercise of the power to me given by the said Will of my said late Husband deceased Do by this my last Will and Testament in writing signed sealed and delivered by me in the presence of and attested by three credible persons whose names are intended to be hereunto subscribed as witnesses thereof direct limit and appoint that the said principal sum of two thousand pounds and all interest to become due for the same until payment of the principal shall be paid unto my Executors hereinafter named for the purposes of this my Will and in aid of the dispositions hereby made for my Personal Estate and in trust I do hereby order my Executors to receive all the rents money that may be due to me at the time of my death from my life Estates at Barton House upon Irwell and on two large Warehouses and a Stable in Bayleys Court in Manchester and my large Warehouse at the top of Smithy Door in Manchester which extends half way down the next court at the end and on my Crown and Septor Inn Deansgate and on my two Cottages and Building in Goulds Court behind the said Inn and also in trust to receive all Interest on all Bonds and all promissory Notes of Moneys lent on interest my me and also the interest that may be due from the Executor of Richard S Taylor late Attorney in Greys Inn London on the half of a reversion that was left to me for my life by my sister in Law Mrs Sarah Saunders and all Interest to become due on the same until payment of the rents shall be paid to my Executors hereinafter named for the purpose of this my Will and in aid of the dispositions hereby made of my Personal Estate I further order and direct that Messrs William Jones Lloyd & Co. shall buy Stock in the three Pr. Ct. [[Per Cent] Consols in my name with all the Money that may be due from Messrs William Jones Lloyd & Co. and with all the Interest due thereon from them to me and I order that they shall receive the half yearly Interest as usual on all my Bank Stock In trust from time to time as the same shall become due until the death of my daughter Mary Gillum And I order and direct that they shall pay the said half yearly Interests to my Executors as soon as they receive the same and my Executors are In trust to receive and apply the same in aid of the dispositions hereby made of my Personal Estate And I do further order and direct my Executors to receive in trust from Messrs William Jones Lloyd & Co. all the Interest that may be due or become due at the stated half yearly payments on all my three Pr. Ct. Consols Stock and also in trust to receive from Messrs William Jones Lloyd & Co. every half year the Interest on all my new four Pr. Ct. Stock in aid of my Personal Estate [[and I further order and direct my Executors to pay from my Capital Estate inserted] in case my daughter Mary Gillum shall be living at the time of my decease one annuity or yearly sum of six hundred pounds p[e]r Year for and during the term of the natural life of my said Daughter Mary Gillum free from all deductions whatsoever to be payable and paid by two half yearly payments in each year the first such half yearly payments to become due and be made at the end of three Calendar Months next after my decease upon trust nevertheless that they my said Executors and the survivors and survivor of them and the Executors and Administrators of such survivor do and shall pay the same annuity or yearly sum of six hundred pounds and as the same shall become due and be received into the proper hands only of my said daughter Mary Gillum to the intent that the said annuity may be for the sole and separate use of the said Mary Gillum my Daughter independently and not to be subject to the debts or rentroll and barring any claim of her present or any future Husband that she may at any time be connected with and to the intent that she may not either revert or sell make any assignment or appointment by way of anticipation of any ? payment of the same annuity or any part thereof And I do Hereby declare that the receipt and receipts of my said Daughter Mary Gillum signed by her alone and in the presence of the Person who my Executors shall appoint to pay her the said annuity shall notwithstanding her present or any her future Coverture be a good and sufficient discharge and good discharges to my Executors their executors and administrators for the same And if my said Daughter Mary Gillum will live in a House within Eight Miles of Manchester in that case I give and bequeath to her the use of my Chariot and my two Horses with the Silver Plated Harness for her life only and only so long as she continues to live near Manchester and I do order and direct my Executors to provide for her a Coachman at all times during her life and only so long as she lives near Manchester as aforesaid and in case of the Chariot or the Horses or the Harness failing I order and direct that new ones shall be bought for her out of my property by my Executors as soon as she wants them and every expense attending the same during her life and during her stay near Manchester shall be fully paid and discharged out of my Personal Estate by my Executors but in case she will not reside near Manchester then and in that case I order and direct my Executors to sell the Chariot and Horses and Harness for as much Money as they can get for the same And in trust to be added to my Personal Estate for the purposes of this my Will And Also if my said Daughter Mary Gillum will live near or at Manchester as aforesaid in that case I do also give and bequeath unto my said Daughter Mary Gillum all and every my household goods Furniture Beds bedding silver plate China books Library Pictors (except those that I give by this my Will to Mrs Richardson of Nunwick Hall Cart and its Harness wine liquors Spirits together with all the Cash and ready Money which may be within my dwelling house or upon my Person at the time of my decease And also all and every the Victuals and Provisions which may be in my dwellinghouse at the time of my decease to and for her own use and benefit and I order and direct that my Executors shall have full power to take a reasonable quantity of the wine and Spirits beer and provisions that may be wanted for my Funeral but in case my said Daughter Mary Gillum will not reside near Manchester then and in that case I order and direct my Executors to sell all and every my House hold goods & furniture beds bedding china books library pictors except those of Mrs Richardson and also to sell the Wine Spirits Cart Harness to d[[itt]o Table and bed linen looking glasses sideboard and Glasses Silver plate for as much Money as they can get for the same and in trust apply the Money to my Personal Estate for the purposes of this my Will and in aid of the dispositions hereby made of my Personal Estate I give and bequeath to my said Daughter Mary Gillum all my Wearing Apparel rings carvings seals broaches new laces bracelets and every thing that is in my black Trunk that has M.G. on with Brass Nails also that Trunk I give and bequeath to Mrs Richardson of Nunwick Hall and to her Heirs the Pictor of my Father and his Profile the Profile of my Mother and the Pictors of my two daughters and their two Profiles my two Miniature Paintings of my self one set in Gold and one has a black Frame also my Profile and my Husbands Profile and a large Pictor of my brother Josiah and one smaller and a Miniature of him set in gold and his Profile also a Pictor of my brother Joseph and a Miniature Painting of him with all Frames and Settings all to be placed in the best drawing room at Nunwick Hall in Cumberland then I further order and direct my Executors to invest in the three Pr. Ct. Consolidated Bank Annuities in my name and in the same way as before named in this my Will all the Moneys that may be over and above paying the annuity and other just debts and legacies and other expenses named in this my Will at all times by Executors or Executor or the survivors or survivor of them or the executors or administrators of such survivor do and shall invest the same as a Fund to accumulate till the death of my Daughter Mary Gillum and as to for and concerning all the rest residue and remainder of my Personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and whensoever and of what nature kind or quality soever the same may be after payment of the annuity and other just debts and legacies bequeathed by this my Will I order and direct my Executors herein to be named upon trust that they the said or the survivor of them or the executors or the administrators of such survivor do and shall invest the same in the three Pr. Ct. Consolidated bank Stock as aforesaid in my name and I direct shall be considered as part of the residue of my Personal Estate as a part of the Fund aforesaid Subject nevertheless to the payment of all that is due under this my Will provided nevertheless and I do hereby declare this to be my will and mind that it shall and may be lawful for my Executors and every of them their and every of their executors and administrators by and out of any Monies which by virtue of this my Will or the trusts hereby declared shall unto their or any of their hands to deduct retain to and reimburse themselves and himself all such reasonable costs charges and expenses as they respectively shall or may sustain or be put unto in or about the execution of all or any of the trusts hereby in them reposed and also that they my said Executors and their respective executors and administrators shall be charged and chargeable only each of them for and with those or their respective receipts payments acts and wilful defaults and not otherwise and shall not be charged or chargeable with or for any sum Money other than such as shall actually and respectively come to his or their hands by virtue of this my Will nor with any which may happen in placing or depositing all or any part of the trust Moneys in any Bank or Bankers handes or elsewhere for safe custody nor with loss or damage which may happen in or about the execution of the several trusts aforesaid without his or their wilful default and I do hereby constitute and appoint William Broom Parker Esqe Attorney in Manchester and John Gould of Lees Lane near Manchester Merchant John M. Lees Junr. Merchant Fountain Street Manchester and Joseph Richardson of Nunwick Hall in Cumberland Esquire to be Executors [[of this my Will and I give and bequeath unto my Executors inserted] named in this my Will out of the two thousand pounds to be received by them from the real and leasehold estates of my late Husband Mr William Gould deceased and to be equally divided by and between my said Executors share and share alike in case they are willing to act under this my Will and also in case that they attend and follow my body all the way in the Mourneing Coach from my residence to Cheadle in Staffordshire the first day and also on to Caverswall and to keep in sight of the hearse all the way and also to see that my body is safe locked up at the Inn at Cheadle and the key of the door kept in the possession of my Executors all the time it remains in the said Inn and also before they quit the building erected by me over the vault in Caverswall Church Yard my Executors are to see it locked up and give the key to Mr Sargeant who now has it or to his son and in the fulfilment of all these (but not otherwise) they shall each so doing receive their share of one thousand pounds so left by me as soon as the two thousand pounds can be received from my late Husbands real and Personal Estates and in case any of my Executors not acting or not attending my body in the way I have described in this my Will I then order and direct that the share of any of one or more not acting nor attending as aforesaid shall go and be divided equally by and between each of them that fulfil the same and after the death of my Daughter Mary Gillum I give and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my Real and Personal Estates and Effects Goods and Chattels of what nature or kind soever and whensoever unto and between Mrs J Parker of Lancaster Mrs E Richardson of Nunwick Hall Cumberland and Mrs Frances Gould of Northaw Mrs Anne Sewell Culgeaith in Cumberland and to Joseph Harvey Sewell Culgeaith Esqr her son and to William Broom Parker Esqr Attorney in Manchester and to Mr John Gould Merchant in Lees Lane near Manchester and to Mr John M Lees Merchant in Fountain Street Manchester and to Mr Joseph Richardson of Nunwick Hall Cumberland to be divided equally by and between them share and share alike as Tenants in common and not as joint tenants but in case all or any of my said Executors before last named do refuse to act as my Executor and also not attending my body as before named to Caverswall then it is my will and I order and direct that any of the four Executors not fulfiling any directions in this my Will shall have no share of my property but the share or shares of any one or more not fulfiling my orders in this my Will shall go to and be divided equally among the Executors that fulfil my orders and if but one of these Executors to that one only And I hereby revoke and make void all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made and do publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament In witness whereof I have to three parts of the first sheet hereof set my hand and to this my last sheet set my hand and seal this sixteenth day of September one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight Mary Gould LS
Signed sealed published and declared by the said testator Mary Gould as for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in her presence and at her request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses hereto R Brown R Hesketh John Mottershead
Proved at London 2nd March 1830 before the Judge by the Oath of William Broome (in the Will written Broom) Parker John Gould John Milladew Lees (in the Will written John M Lees junr) and Joseph Richardson Esqr the Executors to whom Administration was granted they having been first sworn to wit the said William Broome Parker before the Worshipful John Daubeny B[[achelo]r. of Laws & Surrogate and the other Executors by Commision duly to adm[[iniste]r.â€