His life and books
Will of Elizabeth Gould 1774
In the Name of God Amen I Elizabeth Gould of Pilsbury Grange in the Parish of Hartington in the County of Derby Widow and Relict of Richard Gould late of Pilsbury aforesaid Yeoman deceased being indisposed in health but of sound and perfect mind memory and understanding do make publish and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following And First I will and desire that all my just debts together with my Funeral Expenses and the Probate of this my Will be paid and discharged Also I give and bequeath unto my four daughters to wit Mary Elizabeth Hannah and Ellen and to my Son William Gould and also to my Grand Daughter Elizabeth the daughter of Ann Ratcliffe deceased the Sum of Seventy three pounds Six Shillings and Six pence apiece which with the capital Sum of One hundred Sixty Six pounds thirteen Shillings and Sixpence which my said daughters Mary Elizabeth Hannah and Ellen and my said Son William Gould are respectively intitled unto as their Distributive shares of their Fathers Personal Estate makes up the Sum of two hundred and forty pounds apiece And which said Sum of Seventy three pounds Six Shillings and Six pence hereinbefore mentioned and by me given to my said Grand Daughter Elizabeth Ratcliffe [and inserted] the capital sum of one hundred Sixty six pounds thirteen Shillings and six pence One hundred and forty five pounds Sixteen Shillings and ten pence of which has been paid to my daughter Ann Ratcliffe before her death which she was intitled unto as her Distribute Share of her Fathers Personal Estate makes up the Sum of two hundred and forty pounds to be paid to them as they shall respectively attain the Age of twenty one Years or be married which shall first happen next after my decease and the Interest thereof after the Rate of four pounds by the hundred for a Year shall from time to time in the interim go to and be applied for their maintenance and education and my mind and will is that if it shall happen that any of the Legatees shall chance to die before his her or their Legacy or Legacys shall become due and payable as aforesaid that then the capital Legacy or Legacies of him her or them so dying shall go and be equally divided amongst the survivor or survivors of them share and share alike And Lastly I do hereby give and bequeath all the Rest & Residue and Remainder of my Estate and Effects whatsoever and of what nature kind and quality soever the same be whereof I shall die possessed of invested or intitled unto in any wise To my Son Richard Gould his Heirs Executors and Administrators Subject to the payment of my debts Legacies and Funeral Expenses as aforesaid And I do hereby nominate and appoint my said Son Richard Gould sole executor of this my last will hereby revoking all former and other wills by me at any time heretofore made In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this twenty fifth day of September in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Seventy four
Elizabeth Gould [seal]
Signed Sealed Published and declared by the within named Elizabeth Gould as and for her last will and Testament in the presence of [us inserted] of who in her presence have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses therto the words “Gould apiece†being first interlined J Gould Fra. Adams Thomas Gyte
[Note : The words “Gould apiece†are not interlined in this written copy, although they presumably appeared so in the original will.]
This Will was proved at London the seventeenth day of May in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and seventy seven before the Right Worshipful Sir George Hay Knight Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oath of Richard Gould the Son of the deceased and Sole Executor named in the said Will to whom administration was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased having been first Sworn by commission duly to administer.